Search Results: "acid"

28 April 2015

Gunnar Wolf: Bestest birthday ever

Bestest birthday ever
That's all I need to enjoy the best best party ever. Oh! Shall I mention that we got a beautiful present for the kids from our very dear DebConf official Laminatrix! Photos not yet available, but will provide soon.

28 February 2015

Gunnar Wolf: Welcome to the world, little ones!

Welcome to the world, little ones!
Welcome little babies! Yesterday night, we entered the hospital. Nervous, heavy, and... Well, would we ever be ready? As ready as we could. A couple of hours later, Alan and Elena Wolf Daichman became individuals on their own right. As is often the case in the case of twins, they were brought to this world after a relatively short preparation (34 weeks, that's about 7.5 months). At 1.820 and 1.980Kg, they are considerably smaller than either of the parents... But we will be working on that! Regina is recovering from the operation, the babies are under observation. As far as we were told, they seem to be quite healthy, with just minor issues to work on during neonatal care. We are waiting for our doctors to come today and allow us to spend time with them. And as for us... It's a shocking change to finally see the so long expected babies. We are very very very happy... And the new reality is hard to grasp, to even begin understanding :) PS- Many people have told me that my blog often errors out under load. I expect it to happen today :) So, if you cannot do it here, there are many other ways to contact us. Use them! :)

9 December 2014

Joey Hess: podcasts that don't suck, 2014 edition

Also, out of the podcasts I listed previously, I still listen to and enjoy Free As In Freedom, Off the Hook, and the Long Now Seminars. PS: A nice podcatcher, for the technically inclined is git-annex importfeed. Featuring list of feeds in a text file, and distributed podcatching!

20 November 2014

Gunnar Wolf: UNAM. Viva M xico, viva en paz.

UNAM. Viva M xico, viva en paz.
We have had terrible months in Mexico; I don't know how much has appeared about our country in the international media. The last incidents started on the last days of September, when 43 students at a school for rural teachers were forcefully disappeared (in our Latin American countries, this means they were taken by force and no authority can yet prove whether they are alive or dead; forceful disappearance is one of the saddest and most recognized traits of the brutal military dictatorships South America had in the 1970s) in the Iguala region (Guerrero state, South of the country) and three were killed on site. An Army regiment was stationed few blocks from there and refused to help. And yes, we live in a country where (incredibly) this news by themselves would not seem so unheard of... But in this case, there is ample evidence they were taken by the local police forces, not by a gang of (assumed) wrongdoers. And they were handed over to a very violent gang afterwards. Several weeks later, with far from a thorough investigation, we were told they were killed, burnt and thrown to a river. The Iguala city major ran away, and was later captured, but it's not clear why he was captured at two different places. The Guerrero state governor resigned and a new governor was appointed. But this was not the result of a single person behaving far from what their voters would expect It's a symptom of a broken society where policemen will kill when so ordered, where military personnel will look away when pointed out to the obvious, where the drug dealers have captured vast regions of the country where are stronger than the formal powers. And then, instead of dealing with the issue personally as everybody would expect, the president goes on a commercial mission to China. Oh, to fix some issues with a building company. That coincidentally or not was selling a super-luxury house to his wife. A house that she, several days later, decided to sell because it was tarnishing her family's honor and image. And while the president is in China, the person who dealt with the social pressure and told us about the probable (but not proven!) horrible crime where the "bad guys" for some strange and yet unknown reason (even with tens of them captured already) decided to kill and burn and dissolve and disappear 43 future rural teachers presents his version, and finishes his speech saying that "I'm already tired of this topic". Of course, our University is known for its solidarity with social causes; students in our different schools are the first activists in many protests, and we have had a very tense time as the protests are at home here at the university. This last weekend, supposed policemen entered our main campus with a stupid, unbelievable argument (they were looking for a phone reported as stolen three days earlier), get into an argument with some students, and end up firing shots at the students; one of them was wounded in the leg. And the university is now almost under siege: There are policemen surrounding us. We are working as usual, and will most likely finish the semester with normality, but the intimidation (in a country where seeing a policeman is practically never a good sign) is strong. And... Oh, I could go on a lot. Things feel really desperate and out of place. Today I will join probably tens or hundreds of thousands of Mexicans sick of this simulation, sick of this violence, in a demonstration downtown. What will this achieve? Very little, if anything at all. But we cannot just sit here watching how things go from bad to worse. I do not accept to live in a state of exception. So, this picture is just right: A bit over a month ago, two dear friends from Guadalajara city came, and we had a nice walk in the University. Our national university is not only huge, it's also beautiful and loaded with sights. And being so close to home, it's our favorite place to go with friends to show around. This is a fragment of the beautiful mural in the Central Library. And, yes, the University stands for "Viva M xico". And the university stands for "Peace". And we need it all. Desperately.

21 August 2014

Gunnar Wolf: Walking without crutches

Walking without crutches
I still consider myself a newbie teacher. I'm just starting my fourth semester. And yes, I really enjoy it. Now, how did I come to teaching? Well, my training has been mostly on stages for different conferences. More technical, more social, whatever I have been giving ~10 talks a year for ~15 years, and I must have learnt something from that. Some good things, some bad habits. When giving presentations, a most usual technique is to prepare a set of slides to follow/support the ideas. And yes, that's what I did for my classes: Since my first semester, I prepared a nice set of slides, thematically split in 17 files, with ~30 to ~110 pages each (yes, huge variation). Given the course spans 32 classes (72 hours, 2 hours per class), each slide lasts for about two classes. But, yes, this tends to make the class much less dynamic, much more scripted, rigid, and... Boring. From my feedback, I understand the students don't think I am a bad teacher, but still, I want to improve! So, today I was to give the introduction to memory management. Easy topic, with few diagrams and numbers, mostly talking about the intuitive parts of a set of functions. I started scribbling and shortening the main points on a piece of paper (yes, the one on the picture). I am sure I can get down to more reduction But this does feel like an improvement! The class was quite successful. I didn't present the 100% of the material (which is one of the reasons I cling to my presentations I don't want to skip important material), and at some point I do feel I was a bit going in circles. However, Operating Systems is a very intuitive subject, and getting the students to sketch by themselves the answers that describe the working of real operating systems was a very pleasant experience! Of course, when I use my slides I do try to make it as interactive and collaborative as possible. But it is often unfeasible when I'm following a script. Today I was able to go around with the group's questions, find my way back to the outline I prepared. I don't think I'll completely abandon my slides, specially for some subjects which include many diagrams or pictures. But I'll try to have this alternative closer to my mind.

15 July 2014

Mario Lang

Mixing vinyl again The turntables have me back, after quite some long-term mixing break. I used to do straight 4-to-the-floor, mostly acid or hardtek. You can find an old mix of mine on SoundCloud. This one is actually back from 2006. But currently I am more into drum and bass. It is an interesting mixing experience, since considerably harder. Here is a small but very recent minimix. Experts in the genre might notice that I am mostly spinning stuff from BlackOutMusicNL, admittedly my favourite label right now.

30 June 2014

Russ Allbery: Review: The Knowledge

Review: The Knowledge, by Lewis Dartnell
Publisher: Penguin
Copyright: 2014
ISBN: 0-698-15165-8
Format: Kindle
Pages: 328
The cover pitch for The Knowledge is that technological civilization has collapsed. A war, an asteroid, a pandemic, or some other catastrophic event has ended life as we know it. Survivors have recovered enough to stabilize the population, but all the industry and infrastructure that supports the modern world has been crippled and the knowledge lost. What do they need to know to rebuild the world? (The subtitle, How to Rebuild Our World from Scratch, is deceptive. Dartnell spends a lot of time talking about what could be scavenged from the ruins after an event like a pandemic that leaves buildings and tools intact.) This brief description may bring several incorrect ideas to mind, so a few clarifications are in order. First, this is not a book about how to survive an apocalypse, or how to stabilize society afterwards. Dartnell skips over anything related to basic survival or politics, and this book would only be of limited interest to preppers. Rather, it is focused on the key concepts and key processes that underlie much of what makes up our civilization, and how those processes can be bootstrapped and recreated, hopefully much more quickly than the thousands of years they took to develop the first time around. Second, as much as I think Dartnell would have liked it to be, The Knowledge is not an instruction manual. There's just too much involved in modern machinery, metallurgy, chemistry, and other necessary science and engineering. What it is instead is a tour of the most important ideas, basic processes, and approaches that can lead to creation of an industrial economy. This means it's also a tour of the most critical technology and discoveries that we rely on for day-to-day living. Each idea presented here is a bare sketch, and would require extensive research and experimentation to put into practice. The Knowledge is not a scientific encyclopedia. Rather, it's a collection of signposts and suggested directions along with some suggestions about sequencing, with special emphasis on the ideas that were unintuitive or surprising, or which took humans much longer to stumble across than would have been necessary. I will say up front that I am quite dubious about the stated goal of this book. I'm not sure if it would be of significant assistance to people who found themselves in the circumstances that Dartnell postulates, and I'm also not sure it would be as difficult as Dartnell supposes to reconstruct these details from a good library, although the point is well-taken that most modern industrial techniques would be unavailable to a civilization starting from scratch and many historic techniques are no longer practiced and therefore not well-documented. But this book does not have to succeed at its stated goal to be worth reading. The Knowledge provides a fascinating insight into the way our current capabilities developed, other paths that development could have followed, and what building blocks are vital for the industry that we rely on. If you are like me, the first thing The Knowledge will remind you of is Minecraft, particularly with some of the mods (such as TerraFirmaCraft) that add more realistic detail to the technological bootstrapping. It's a treasure trove for anyone who might be working on that sort of mod or game. Dartnell tries to cover as much of the spectrum of technology as possible, from farming through medicine, from basic materials to industrial chemistry, and from electrical power through transportation. Each chapter necessarily covers only the highlights, the most vital technologies and the early priorities, and many of those are relatively vague pointers. But that's enough for a fascinating orientation. It's also full of memorable trivia: the huge variety of uses to which wood can be put, the difficulty in re-establishing production of industrial acids, the shelf life of gasoline, the global seed vault within the Arctic Circle, and the importance of a long-threaded screw for a lathe, just to name a few examples. In short, The Knowledge may or may not be a practical aid in rebuilding the world, but it's a lot of fun to read and full of tidbits that are fun to think about or pass on to others. It's also a great orientation in applied technology. The Knowledge is particularly fascinating if you have any interest in the simplified recreation of technological and industrial processes, such as in Minecraft and similar games. For authors of Minecraft mods who are aiming for realism, it might even be required reading. I'd love to see more mods based heavily on the approaches described in this book. The Knowledge also conveys, better than any book or course I've seen, an intuitive feel for the amazing complexity and ingenuity underlying industrial technology. I pre-ordered a copy of this book as soon as I heard about it, and I was not disappointed. Despite my certainty that I would be one of the early casualties in any general social collapse, I thoroughly enjoyed reading it, and would like to read it again at some point. Recommended, albeit with the caveat that I do not have the background required to verify any of the facts in this book, and am assuming that Dartnell has done his research properly. Rating: 9 out of 10

2 June 2014

Russ Allbery: Review: Debt

Review: Debt, by David Graeber
Publisher: Melville House
Copyright: 2011, 2012
Printing: October 2012
ISBN: 1-61219-129-0
Format: Trade paperback
Pages: 453
You probably remember this story from introductory economics. Originally, people exchanged things through barter. I needed grain but had a cow. You had a farm but needed milk. I gave you milk for your grain. But this was tedious and awkward, and required finding the right combination of people who needed something the other person had on hand. Then, people invented money: small objects with an agreed-upon value that you could keep and use later when you needed something else. In other words, both a medium of exchange and a store of value. And that improved matters for a long time, although war-torn societies or societies that collapsed (the supposed "Dark Ages" often raises its head) would sometimes "revert to barter" for some period of time until things were stable enough for currency to reappear. Following that story was usually some story about the emergence of money based on credit: goldsmith shops that started a side business in storing other people's coins and giving them receipts, leading to the receipts trading like the coins since the shops were trustworthy, and from there into the Bank of England and eventually the fractional reserve banking system, fiat money, and all the modern machinery of finance. All of this was dated from the early Enlightenment and the development of modern finance in Europe. It's a very neat story, and it makes a great deal of intuitive sense. That barter system does feel like what you'd have to do without money, but one can immediately see how obnoxious and limiting it would be. These stories play into our intuitive sense of history: people started with emergent properties of the physical world (different people have different goods and different skills and want to exchange them) and then develop layers of abstraction on top of them, eventually leading to the sophistication of modern societies. However, David Graeber is not an economist. He's an anthropologist: the profession devoted to understanding how people actually do things rather than how we've reconstructed our history based on our modern perspective. And, as he points out, engagingly and comprehensively, in chapter two of Debt, there is no evidence that this story about economic history has anything whatsoever to do with reality. And quite a bit of evidence that it does not. As best as we've been able to determine, not only is there no society in the world that deals with routine, day-to-day needs like grain and milk through barter, there never has been such a society in human history. Instead, history and anthropology shows that credit is, in a sense, older than currency: the earliest recorded economic transactions were built on a rich system of credit, but in the form of purchases from shopkeepers on credit, or credit clearinghouses through the local government or temple. Those credit records were often denominated in some standardized commodity so many cattle or bushels of grain that could create the impression that the economy worked on barter. But the anthropological evidence indicates that this was more an accounting technique than a practical currency. People rarely brought the named commodity to the temple to pay off some debt. Rather, there was an agreed conversion from various other goods to that standardized commodity, and its primary purpose was consistent bookkeeping. Specie minted coins appear to come later, and wax and wane throughout history depending on local circumstance. For example, Europe did not "revert to barter" after the collapse of the Roman Empire, but the inhabitants did stop using specie and returned to a system of credit and record-keeping... records that continued to be denominated in Roman currency, even though few people still used the actual coins. That's one fascinating observation with which Graeber begins this book. The other is the question of why we have such a strong social and moral belief that people must pay their debts. This moral belief is ever-present in discussions about the 2008 financial collapse, and more broadly in discussions about the modern economy, but it's not as obvious of a belief as it might appear on the surface. After all, the banking and investment system is founded on the principle that not everyone will repay their debts, and therefore lenders receive a risk premium based on the likelihood that the debt won't be repaid. But, despite building the possibility of non-repayment into the system, debt forgiveness or intentional default is almost unthinkable and considered a huge moral problem. To this, Graeber brings the perspective of historical anthropology: human societies have struggled with the problems of debt and repayment from the beginning of recorded history, and have attempted a wide variety of solutions to those problems, including massive debt forgiveness. The jubilee described in the Bible was not novel; rather, it reflected a common practice to keep abuses of debt under control in ancient Sumer. The subtitle of Debt is The First 5,000 Years, and this book is a historical survey. But Graeber puts off the history to first lay an intellectual groundwork for our understanding of debt, and I found that preliminary discussion extremely valuable. Most memorable was the way Graeber divides human economic relationships into communism (in the old sense, not the political sense), exchange, and hierarchy. Capitalism has consumed our economic analysis to such a degree that exchange is the only economic basis that gets much discussion, but the other two are both obvious and pervasive once Graeber points them out. Human civilization could not exist without all three. And Graeber also points out one aspect of exchange-based economics that had not previously occurred to me: it's the economic relationship that one creates with strangers. Debt has the unique characteristic that it can be discharged, at which point the relationship ceases. This has far more complex and far-reaching moral and social implications than one might initially realize, and Graeber did a wonderful job opening my eyes to some of the subtleties. Debt is clearly a scholarly work, but Graeber's writing is clear and engaging. I found most of this book to be surprisingly easy reading. The hardest going was Graeber's discussion of societies that use a form of currency to arrange relationships between people (marriages, births, and deaths, primarily), but not day-to-day economic transactions. I suspect this area is closer to Graeber's areas of personal research and field work, which resulted in more technical detail. I'm still not sure I completely grasp the principles that Graeber was trying to communicate. But I was struck by the observation of alienation's role in turning a human being into a commodity, and how that links with debt's role as the economic transaction one has with strangers. Graeber covers slavery only glancingly, but makes some memorable points about the use of violence to rip someone out of their social context, and how that is necessary in human cultures before humans can be reduced to a commodity. There's a lot here, and I've only scratched the surface. I haven't mentioned, for example, the fascinatingly elegant theory that coining money and then requiring taxes be paid in the same money is a simple and highly effective way of funding armies, an explanation for specie that is largely unproven but that I find more compelling than the ones I've previously heard. Approaching debt from an anthropological instead of economic perspective is surprisingly enlightening. Debt is primarily a historical and cultural discussion rather than a set of proposed solutions, but Graeber does effectively show that debt as a moral obligation is not an unquestionable moral stance, but rather has a long history as one side of a two-sided political debate. I also came away from this book more conscious of the social implications and costs of debt-structured interactions, and wanting to push more of the language of debt out of my day-to-day dealings. Graeber is well known as one of the supporters of Occupy Wall Street, and Debt, while a well-defended academic work, certainly does advocate a position. But the academic analysis is more prominent than the advocacy, and I found his positions well-defended and well-argued. I do need to give the caveat that I don't have the anthropological background to distinguish the statements from Graeber that are well-established common knowledge in anthropology from the ones that are more controversial, and I would be a bit leery of taking this book as the final word on the topic. But it fully deserves its popularity and reputation as a thought-provoking and valuable contribution to the conversation. It's another book that I want to re-read someday to digest further, and the sort of book whose observations keep occurring to me in subsequent discussions or news stories. If you're at all interested in the way in which we construct the morality around economics and debt, I think this is a book that you should read. It's thoughtful, challenging, and surprising, and it passes my acid test for books of this sort with flying colors: after reading it, you realize that many things are more complicated, more historical, and less novel than you had originally thought. Highly recommended. Rating: 9 out of 10

27 May 2014

Gunnar Wolf: On how tech enthusiasts become tech detractors

On how tech enthusiasts become tech detractors
As often is the case, the Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal webcomic ( gets it right. And I cannot help but share today's comic. The picture explains it much better than what I ever could.

15 February 2014

Gunnar Wolf: Like a Lord and Lady, with my dearest passions...

Like a Lord and Lady, with my dearest passions...
For those of you who didn't yet know it: My mother is a painter. A serious, professional, respected painter. But she sometimes goes to the funny side as well Of course, with all due professionalism! So, she gave us this great gift: She took one of our pictures from DebConf12 (from the "Conference Dinner" night), and painted it. Real size even! So, next time you come to our house, even if we are not around to greet you, we will be glad to welcome you to the Residence!

14 February 2014

Paul Tagliamonte: Introducing: Acid!

I ve been hacking (on and off) on a small bit of code (written in Hy) called Acid. So, all of this is *really* fluid, and I m going to change it s API and code (it s currently just one massive hack), but I think the idea has kinda jelled enough for me to chat a bit about. Acid is a DSL for writing event-driven Hy. Currently it s just using global events (that ll change soon), and it s a monumental hack (not sure how much I can do there), but it works pretty well. It s built on top of tulip / asyncio, which is an amazing new Python 3.4 standard library package for working with async code. Although asyncio is designed around network-based usecases, I ve been trying to shoehorn in an event system on top of it. It s going well so far. A basic Acid script looks something like:
  (on :startup
    (every 1 second (emit :clock-pulse nil)))
  (on :clock-pulse (print "."))
  (emit :startup nil))
which will print a dot ( . ) every second forever. Something a bit more advanced (fetch the MBTA Red line T information once a minute forever)
(defn get-endpoint-url [line]
  (.format " 0 .json"
    (get  :red-line  "red"
          :blue-line "blue"  line)))
  ;; OK. Let's do some work with MBTA feeds.
  (on :update-feed
      ;; let's just update feeds on a cron.
      (print (.json (.get requests (get-endpoint-url event))))
      (emit :feed-updated event))
  (every 1 minute
         (emit :update-feed :red-line)))
Clearly, both of these examples are just as clear as their straight functional counterparts, but I m keen to see what I can do with temporal recursion for long-running daemons. I think my first job will be porting snitch's codebase to Acid. Let me know if you have any ideas!

10 February 2014

Mario Lang: Neurofunkcasts

I have always loved Drum and Bass. In 2013 I rediscovered my love for Darkstep and Neurofunk, and found that these genres have developed quite a lot in the recent years. Some labels like Black Sun Empire and Evol Intent produce mixes/sets on a regular basis as podcasts these days. This article aggregates some neurofunk podcasts I like a lot, most recent first. Enjoy 33 hours and 57 minutes of fun with dark and energizing beats. Thanks to BSE Contrax and Evol Intent for providing such high quality sets. You can also see the Python source for the program that was used to generate this page.

2 February 2014

Gunnar Wolf: CuBox-i4Pro

Somewhere back in August or September, I pre-ordered a CuBox-i A nicely finished, completely hackable, and reasonably powerful ARM system, nicely packaged and meant to be used to hack on. A sweet deal! There are four models (you can see the different models' specs here) I went for the top one, and bought a CuBox-i4Pro. That means, I have a US$130 nice little box, with 4 ARM7 cores, 2GB RAM, WiFi, and... well, all of its basic goodies and features. For some more details, look at the CuBox-i block diagram. I got it delivered by early January, and (with no real ARM experience on my side) I finally got to a point where I can, I believe, contribute something to its adoption/usage: How to get a basic Debian system installed and running in it. The ARM world is quite different to the x86 one: Compatibility is much harder, the computing platform does not self-describe properly, and a kernel must first understand how a specific subarchitecture is before being able to boot on it. Somewhere in the CuBox forums (or was it the IRC channel?) I learnt that the upstream Linux kernel does not yet boot on the i.MX6 chip (although support is rumored to be merged for the 3.14 release), so I am using both a kernel and an uBoot bootloader not built for (or by) Debian people. Besides that, the result I will describe is a kosher Debian install. Yes, I know that my orthodox friends and family will say that 99% kosher is taref... But remember I'm never ever that dogmatic. (yeah, right!) Note that there is a prebuilt image you can run if you are so inclined: In the CuBox-i forums and wiki, you will find links to a pre-installed Debian image you can use... But I cannot advise to do so. First, it is IMO quite bloated (you need a 4GB card for a very basic Debian install? Seriously?) Second, it has a whole desktop environment (LXDE, if I recall correctly) and a whole set of packages I will probably not use in this little box. Third, there is a preinstalled user, and that's a no-no (user: debian, password: debian). But, most importantly, fourth: It is a nightly build of the Testing (Jessie) suite... Built back in December. So no, as a Debian Developer, it's not something we should recommend our users to run! So, in the end and after quite a bit of frustration due to my lack of knowledge, here goes the list of steps I followed:
Using the CuBox
On the i2 and i4 models, you can use it either with a USB keyboard and a HDMI monitor, or by a serial consoles (smaller models do not have a serial console). I don't have a HDMI monitor handy (only a projector), so I prefer to use the serial terminal. Important details to avoid frustration: The USB keyboard has to be connected to the lower USB port, or it will be ignored during the boot process. And make sure your serial terminal is configured not to use hardware flow control. Minicom is configured by default to use hardware flow control, so it was not sending any characters to the CuBox. ^A-O gets you to the Minicom configuration, select Serial port setup, and disable it.
Set up the SD card
I created a 2GB partition, but much less can suffice; I'd leave it at least to 1GB to do the base install, although it can be less once the system is set up (more on this later). Partition and format using your usual tools (fdisk+mke2fs, or gparted, or whatever suits your style).
Install the bootloader
I followed up the instructions on this CuBox-i forums thread to get the SPL and uBoot bootloader running. In short, from this Google Drive folder, download the SPL-U-Boot.img.xz file, uncompress it (xz --decompress SPL-U-Boot.img.xz), and write it to the SD card just after the partition map: As root,
# dd if=SPL-U-Boot.img of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=1024 seek=1.
Actually, to be honest: As I wanted something basic to be able to debug from, I downloaded (from the same Google Drive) the busybox.img.gz file. That's a bit easier to install from: xz --decompress busybox.img.xz, and just dump it into the SD from the beginning (as it does already include a partition table):
# dd if=busybox.img of=/dev/mmcblk0
This card is already bootable and minimal, and allows to debug some bits from the CuBox-i itself (as we will see shortly).
After this step, I created a second partition, as I said earlier. So, my mmcblk0p1 partition holds Busybox, and the second will hold Debian. We are still working from the x86 system, so we mount the SD card in /media/mmcblk0p2
Installing the base system
Without debian-installer to do the heavy lifting, I went for debootstrap. As I ran it from my PC, debootstrap's role will be for this first stage only to download and do a very initial pre-unpacking of the files: Bootstrapping a foreign architecture implies, right, using the --foreign switch:
debootstrap --foreign --arch=armhf wheezy /media/mmcblk0p2
You can add some packages you often use by specifying --include=foo,bar,baz
So, take note notes: This board is capable of running the armhf architecture (HF for Hardware Float). It can also run armel, but I understand it is way slower.
First boot (with busybox)
So, once debootstrap finishes, you are good to go to the real hardware! Unmount the SD card, put it in the little guy, plug your favorite console in (I'm using the serial port), and plug the power in! You should immediately see something like:
  1. U-Boot SPL 2013.10-rc4-gd05c5c7-dirty (Jan 12 2014 - 02:18:28)
  2. Boot Device: SD1
  3. reading u-boot.img
  4. Load image from RAW...
  5. U-Boot 2013.10-rc4-gd05c5c7-dirty (Jan 12 2014 - 02:18:28)
  6. CPU: Freescale i.MX6Q rev1.2 at 792 MHz
  7. Reset cause: POR
  8. Board: MX6-CuBox-i
  9. DRAM: 2 GiB
  10. MMC: FSL_SDHC: 0
  11. In: serial
  12. Out: vga
  13. Err: vga
  14. Net: phydev = 0x0
  15. Phy not found
  16. PHY reset timed out
  17. FEC
  18. (Re)start USB...
  19. USB0: USB EHCI 1.00
  20. scanning bus 0 for devices... 1 USB Device(s) found
  21. scanning usb for storage devices... 0 Storage Device(s) found
  22. scanning usb for ethernet devices... 0 Ethernet Device(s) found
  23. Hit any key to stop autoboot: 3

Let it boot (that means, don't stop autoboot), and you will soon see a familiar #, showing you are root in the busybox environment. Great! Now, mount the Debian partition:
# mount /dev/mmcblk0p2 /mnt
Finishing debootstrap's task
With everything in place, it's time for debootstrap to work. Chroot into the Debian partition:
# chroot /mnt
And ask Debootstrap to finish what it started:
# debootstrap --second-stage
Be patient, as this step takes quite a bit to be finished.
Some extra touches...
After this is done, your Debian system is almost ready to be booted into. Why almost? Because it still does not have any users, does not know its own name nor knows I want to use it via a serial terminal. Three very simple tasks to fix. First two:
  1. # passwd
  2. Enter new UNIX password:
  3. Retype new UNIX password:
  4. passwd: password updated successfully
  5. # echo > /etc/hostname

For the second one, add a line to /etc/inittab specifying the details of the serial console. You can just do this:
# echo 'T0:23:respawn:/sbin/getty -L ttymxc0 115200 vt100' >> /etc/inittab
Boot into Debian!
So, ready to boot Debian? Ok, first exit the chroot shell, to go back to the Busybox shell, unmount the Debian partition, and set the root partition read-only:
  1. # exit
  2. # umount /mnt
  3. # mount / -o remount,ro

Disconnect and connect power, and now, do interrupt the boot process when you see the Hit any key to stop automount prompt. To see the configuration of uboot, you can type printenv We will only modify the parameters given to the kernel:
  1. CuBox-i U-Boot > setenv root /dev/mmcblk0p2 rootfstype=ext3 ro rootwait
  2. CuBox-i U-Boot > boot

So, the kernel will load, and a minimal Debian system will be initialized. In my case, I get the following output:
  1. ** File not found /boot/busyEnv.txt **
  2. 4703740 bytes read in 390 ms (11.5 MiB/s)
  3. ## Booting kernel from Legacy Image at 10000000 ...
  4. Image Name: Linux-3.0.35-8
  5. Image Type: ARM Linux Kernel Image (uncompressed)
  6. Data Size: 4703676 Bytes = 4.5 MiB
  7. Load Address: 10008000
  8. Entry Point: 10008000
  9. Verifying Checksum ... OK
  10. Loading Kernel Image ... OK
  11. Starting kernel ...
  12. Unable to get enet.0 clock
  13. pwm-backlight pwm-backlight.0: unable to request PWM for backlight
  14. pwm-backlight pwm-backlight.1: unable to request PWM for backlight
  15. _regulator_get: get() with no identifier
  16. mxc_sdc_fb mxc_sdc_fb.2: NO mxc display driver found!
  17. INIT: version 2.88 booting
  18. [info] Using makefile-style concurrent boot in runlevel S.
  19. [....] Starting the hotplug events dispatcher: udevd. ok
  20. [....] Synthesizing the initial hotplug events...done.
  21. [....] Waiting for /dev to be fully populated...done.
  22. [....] Activating swap...done.
  23. [....] Cleaning up temporary files... /tmp. ok
  24. [....] Activating lvm and md swap...done.
  25. [....] Checking file systems...fsck from util-linux 2.20.1
  26. done.
  27. [....] Mounting local filesystems...done.
  28. [....] Activating swapfile swap...done.
  29. [....] Cleaning up temporary files.... ok
  30. [....] Setting kernel variables ...done.
  31. [....] Configuring network interfaces...done.
  32. [....] Cleaning up temporary files.... ok
  33. [....] Setting up X socket directories... /tmp/.X11-unix /tmp/.ICE-unix. ok
  34. INIT: Entering runlevel: 2
  35. [info] Using makefile-style concurrent boot in runlevel 2.
  36. [....] Starting enhanced syslogd: rsyslogd. ok
  37. [....] Starting periodic command scheduler: cron. ok
  38. Debian GNU/Linux 7 ttymxc0
  39. cubox-i login:

And that's it, the system is live and ready for my commands!
So, how big is this minimal Debian installed system? I cheated a bit on this, as I had already added emacs and screen to the system, so yours will be a small bit smaller. But anyway Lets clear our cache of downloaded packages, and see the disk usage information:
  1. root@cubox-i:~# apt-get clean
  2. root@cubox-i:~# df -h
  3. Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
  4. rootfs 1008M 347M 611M 37% /
  5. /dev/root 1008M 347M 611M 37% /
  6. devtmpfs 881M 0 881M 0% /dev
  7. tmpfs 177M 132K 177M 1% /run
  8. tmpfs 5.0M 0 5.0M 0% /run/lock
  9. tmpfs 353M 0 353M 0% /run/shm

So, instead of a 4GB install, we have a 350MB one. Great improvement! Now, lets get it to do something useful, in a most Debianic way!

23 January 2014

Gunnar Wolf: Ligatured iceweasel

Ligatured iceweasel
I am not (yet?) reporting this as a bug as this happened with a several days old session open, and just while I was upgrading my Sid system, after a long time without doing so (probably since before the vacations started... In December 2013). But I cannot avoid sharing this interesting screenshot. Of course, this does not happen in other browsers. And AFAICT it only happens while reading the Debian Policy (either online or locally, even recoding it to UTF-8). Funniest thing, the Debian policy specifies no Javascript, no stylesheets at all... (Hey, and FWIW... Why is the online copy of the Debian policy still in iso-8859-1 It's not 1995 anymore...) [update] Of course, it's the default font, not only the Debian policy. Just as an example, the following text:
  1. <html><body><p>Ufffiii flat different!</p></body></html>
Yields the following output: [update 2] And, of course, after finishing the update process... I got a new version of Iceweasel. Restarted it, and everything is back to normal :-

8 January 2014

Gunnar Wolf: Meeting with Chilean sysadmins

Meeting with Chilean sysadmins
Ok, so I'm back in Mexico! This year, the best fare I found for travelling to spend the Winter^WSummer season with Regina's family had an oddity: I usually have a layover at either Santiago de Chile or Lima (Per ) of between 45 minutes and 2 hours, clearly less than enough to do anything. But this time, I had a massive 10 hours layover in Santiago. And spending 10 hours in an airport is far from fun. Specially when you have a good group of friends in town! I visited Chile in 2004 for Encuentro Linux (still before the time I had a digital camera: Those photos are all taken by Martin Michlmayr), and I have stayed in touch with a group of systems administrators since then. So, I mailed the list, and we managed to get eight people to have lunch together. In the order we appear in the photo: Some of them, even living in the same city, had never met in person before So, of course, we had a table reserved at the restaurant to the name of Dennis Ritchie. And having had nice, fun, sometimes-technical talks... Well, a tiny bit of his spirit was there. Of course, we can only trust he was there, as no Ouija boards were used and no null pointers were dereferenced (just to make sure not to disturb him). Victor Hugo and lvaro took me for a short Santiago city trip before lunch, we had a very nice time. Thanks! :-)

6 January 2014

Gunnar Wolf: Pan Latin American Hashomer, 18 years later

Pan Latin American Hashomer, 18 years later
In 1994/1995, I spent probably the most unique and memorable year of my life with the people of several Zionist youth movements in Israel, working in a kibutz, learning in Jerusalem... In 1995, after most of my group returned to Mexico, I stuck with the newly arrived South American group of Hashomer Hatzair (plus some affiliates). We were 18-19. And 18-19 years later, here we are: Fabi n (from Buenos Aires) and Fabiana (from Montevideo), living in Buenos Aires, with two kids. Regina (from Paran ) and me (from Mexico), living in Mexico, no kids yet. Two couples. Three countries. Four cities. And a lovely evening. And the hopes to stay in touch, to meet every year when we come to visit Argentina.

8 October 2013

Russ Allbery: Review: Grimspace

Review: Grimspace, by Ann Aguirre
Series: Sirantha Jax #1
Publisher: Ace
Copyright: March 2008
ISBN: 0-441-01599-9
Format: Mass market
Pages: 312
Sirantha Jax is a jumper: a person with the rare genetic ability to jump spaceships through the shortcut dimension of grimspace. It's a science fiction idea with a long pedigree. It creates a separate in-group for the characters to belong to, a society with its own rules, and sets up tension with the rest of the institutions of the world. In Aguirre's version, jumpers can provide the transition but direction in grimspace has to be done by a pilot, and the jumper and the pilot develop a deep psychic bond. Jax had been jumping with her husband piloting, but on their last trip their ship crashed, killing everyone on board except her. As Grimspace opens, Jax is in a treatment facility that's much more like a prison. In theory, they're trying to figure out whether she's still able to (and safe to allow to) jump. In practice, something quite a bit more sinister is going on, a fact that the reader senses early but only learns more about after Jax is helped to escape. Scarred, deeply depressed, and nearly suicidal, she's pulled into the subversive plans of a small ship of renegades who are trying to break open the Corp monopoly on grimspace travel and their tight hold over every jumper. But she's not sure whether she trusts them, or whether she cares enough about their crusade to truly join in. Grimspace follows well-trod SF paths of special cadres of pilots and navigators, lawless corners of space with local warlords, and rebellion against smothering centralization, but its first-person protagonist and point of view have more in common with urban fantasy. It's written in first-person and, at times, nearly stream of consciousness from Jax's perspective, and Jax displays plenty of profanity, acidic commentary, and emotional angst. If her special ability were shapeshifting or magic instead of jumping spaceships, one could easily see her as the typical burned-out urban fantasy detective. I liked that. It's a fun point of view when it's written well, and it felt fresh when applied to a science fiction background instead of the more typical fantasy. That said, Grimspace has a rather rough start. Jax isn't sure what's going on at first and also isn't sure she cares, and I thought that carried over to the reader's experience. The first section of the book is rough and jagged, with staccato bursts of character introduction, world-building that doesn't quite cohere, and an extended stop on a very odd outback planet that felt to me like a repurposed stage from a western. Part of the early problem is that Jax and the reader are being intentionally kept in the dark about the real goal of this group, but part of the problem is also that none of the characters start off as very likable. That includes Jax, who is a complete mess and who is both scared and despairing to the point of being almost nihilistic. The world-building unfortunately does not carry the reader through that part of the story, and at about eighty pages in I wasn't sure I was going to like this book. It does, however, get much better. For one, Jax calms down and starts making emotional connections with the rest of the crew, and that lets her demonstrate skills as a fearless problem solver. For another, while the goal of the group of people she's fallen in with isn't exactly deep, it does make sense and it does slowly become a cause the reader (and Jax) can believe in. The frenetic pace of introduction and discovery also slows down, the cast stabilizes, and the surroundings get a bit less weird (and a bit more conventional for a science fiction novel). I didn't care for the alien baby subplot I rarely do but the rest of the story slowly pulled me in. One thing Aguirre did extremely well was surprise me. There are several points later in the book where Jax gets put in a fairly typical high-stress position and does something very atypical in reaction to it, twisting the story into a shape quite a bit unlike what I had been expecting. That made Jax feel like a true free agent, establishing her independence and her desire to control her own life, and that appealed to me. Aguirre also palms one card exceptionally well, setting up an ending that I thought was the best set of scenes in the whole book, and that had me thoroughly engrossed. One can see the bones of the urban fantasy heroine inside Jax's character, but they're fresh and interesting in an SF world, and they work better than I would have expected. There is a romance, in fitting with the urban fantasy inspiration, and it didn't quite work for me, but Aguirre also builds in a reason why it might not make sense and makes it spiky and fragile without being too cliched. By the end of the book, I was, if not entirely persuaded, at least willing to go along for the ride. And that's the best summary of Grimspace, I think. Parts of it don't make a great deal of sense, and parts of it are quite choppy. But I liked Jax once she starts getting a handle on her trauma, the other characters grew on me, and the plot surprised me in some interesting ways. It's not the smoothest or most polished SF novel I've read, but it has a lot of energy and an unusual genre mix. I think I'll stick along for the ride. Followed by Wanderlust. Rating: 7 out of 10

25 September 2013

Gunnar Wolf: Is there some old-school programmer available around here?

Is there some old-school programmer available around here?
Just saw this ad today at my Institute's door. Rough translation: Interim programmer sought Requisites: [Yes, this is a joke post. I don't know how anybody is using such an obsolete job description. A job description at least three decades out of date] [Well, yes, I understand it, because I knowhow that particular union works. But I cannot accept it is for real] [...And no, please don't apply for the job. You will be miserable in the unlikely event you are chosen]

16 September 2013

Gunnar Wolf: My favorite (or rather, one among my favorite) non-original work Leo Masliah #encirc13

It seems I'm catching up with the pace of this course I'm following and that is compelling me to go back to posting on my blog, Arte y cultura en circulaci n: crear y compartir en tiempos digitales . This week's lesson is (again, in Spanish) Las fronteras del remix (the boundaries of remixes). An interesting text, open to everybody (regardless of whether you are signed up for the course or, I hope, whether time has passed since the course took place). And this week's homework is to find "our favorite" non-original work (I picked one among my favorite works And, yes, this is partly because I am part of the "club" of deniers of true originality: We cannot create anything without being part of a surrounding culture, without a common heritage and language with which we speak to our audience) and to find something about it, anything considered important or significative as to its antecedents. What do I like about this work, what grabs my attention. Do I consider it to be a true new creative work? Why? I am taking as an example Leo Masliah, an Uruguayan writer and musician (writer and interpreter). I have followed and enjoyed Masliah's work since 1996, and although by far I'm most familiar with his musical works, I have two books (a novel and a series of short stories). Among his facets, I most enjoy the acid, nihilistic/dadaistic streaks. I chose three of his songs to talk about I am linking to anonline resource where possible, but uploading the three songs to this blog to make his work better known, so that people understand what I talk about, and with my best intentions. Of course, if there is any request to remove the material, I will do it right away. I hope this can be seen as fair/academic use, although this blog is somewhat widely read.
La recuperaci n del unicornio
This song was in the first Masliah cassette I came across, Although musically it is an original work, the lyrics are a clear, almost line-by-line reply to the ever-repeated Unicornio song, by Silvio Rodr guez. This song (which I'm sure that every Spanish speaker reading this lines knows, like it or not It defines for me a good deal of Rodr guez hyper-sweetness and clicheness) has been analyzed over and over looking for a meaning. Silvio recorded this song in 1981, and by 1987 Masliah published this answer, mocking each of the lines.
So, this song can be seen as an original creation, as it contains no literal copy neither of the music nor of the lyrics of the original, but it cannot be understood without being familiar with Silvio's lost unicornio. It would just be an almost-dadaistic rant. But every person that has tasted Silvio Rodr guez cloying song will surely laugh with this one.
No necesitamos otro h roe Balderrama
I find this to be a very unique piece. It bonds together Argentinian folklore and USA pop.
Masliah sings the famous Argentinian song Zamba de Balderrama, (Castilla / Leguizam n), a song lamenting that the very popular bar and artist stage Balderrama, in Salta (North-Western corner of Argentina), seemed to be on the brink of closing. Of course, when Mart n, Constanza, Regina and me went to Balderrama in July 2010, the danger of closing this place had long been averted. And basically every Argentinian knows this song by heart.
The interesting part is that Masliah sings this song (as he presents it as the closing piece for one of his concerts) being short on time, and decides to present two acts together: Zamba de Balderrama and We don't need another hero, by Tina Turner, from the Mad Max soundtrack. So, of course, even if it's obvious that Masliah had to stretch bits to make them fit together, he achieved a very funny, interesting and unique blend of two completely unrelated works. He derives from one as well as from the other, but creates something unique and new.
Donna Lee
I was thinking what to write for this assignment , and had already chosen the two other songs. Yesterday, we were visiting our friends Octavio and Claudia, in Guanajuato, and I heard for the first time the original(?) version of Donna Lee, by Miles Davis (although often credited to Charlie Parker). That led me to remember Masliah's interpretation, in his Cl sicos album. This album is basically made up with similar excercises: Taking an instrumental piece, with Masliah singing over it. Some of the lyrics follow the story (i.e. the children stories), others just talk nonsense to illustrate a point (i.e. "La voz del medio", "the middle voice") follows the non-protagonist score trying not to grab much attention to the lyrics but to highlight the often ignored melody)... Donna Lee is just a fun excercise on following the melody asking what was in the head of the author that led him to invent such a strange, hard music.
Masliah is a great music performer, although often it seems he tries to hide it (i.e. by abusing the dissonances, ex-profeso singing off-key, etc), and a very funny and crazy author. Most of his works have a deep satirical tone, and it's common to find either simple winks or complete "borrowings" in a clear remix fashion, but nobody will doubt on the originality of his works.
07-Donna Lee.MP31.79 MB
16 No necesitamos otro h roe - Balderrama.mp33.49 MB
Leo Masl ah-La Recuperaci n Del Unicornio.mp31.87 MB

16 July 2013

Gunnar Wolf: Open Repositories 2013 #OR2013 Charlottetown, P.E.I., Canada

I just came back home from the Open Repositories 2013 conference, in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada; a conference on Open Access publishing, digital repositories, preservation strategies... It was quite an interesting conference, and gave me the opportunity to meet several interesting people. Mostly worthy of note, I spent some good time with the team behind the EPrints software, which powers my institute's repository, and with whom I expect to do some work trying to get EPrints more in shape to be considered as uploadable to Debian. I presented a (very non-technical) talk titled RAD-UNAM: Genesis and evolution of a repository administrators group, describing the experiences we have had at our group in UNAM setting up a federated repository (link to the talk in the OR2013 site). It was a very good experience as well as a nice trip. Oh And if you come over to my blog, you will see here the photos I took during the week of a very nice, little Canadian city.

